Nine hundred and twenty seven (927) people across the length and breath of the seventeen Districts in the Western Region have benefited from the Local Enterprise and Skills Development Programme (LESDEP).

As a collaboration between a number of ministries with the key ministry being the Local Government and Rural Development in supporting employment generation among the unemployed and people who are motivated to do some things but do not have the required support they need.

People who have learn various trades come together under the LESDEP programme to have refresher courses on their learnt trade and how to use the tool kits they will be giving under the LESDEP programme to enhance them engage effectively in their chosen small and medium scale enterprises in the country.

In the Western Region alone, 927 people have so far benefited from the first phase of the LESDEP programme across the seventeen Districts of the Western Region.

Madam Emilia Arthur
According to the Deputy Western Regional Minister who is also the Regional Coordinator for LESDEP, Madam Emilia Arthur noted that in every country it is the small and medium scale enterprises that hold the economy together and it is the desire of the NDC government under the leadership of Prof. John Evans Atta Mills to support these small and medium scale enterprises hence rolling out of the LESDEP programme to help solve the unemployment problems in the country.

She asked the beneficiaries to properly manage the equipment’s they have been given to better their lives and that of their families and also to remember that it is not for free.

In a presentation made to seventy-eight beneficiaries of LESDEP in the Ellembelle District on the 23rd of January 2012, the District Chief Executive Daniel Eshun thanked the government for rolling out the LESDEP program which according to him has really been embraced by the people in the District with much interest.


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